As soon as you have placed your order and it is validated by our warehouse, you will receive a shipping confirmation email. You will find an order tracking link directly in this email. This information is also available in your La Rêverie customer account.
As soon as you have placed your order and it is validated by our warehouse, you will receive a shipping confirmation email. You will find an order tracking link directly in this email. This information is also available in your La Rêverie customer account.
To make a return, the best thing to do is to send us an email to our address specifying the information related to your order: the order number, the products you wish to return, the reasons for your return and your request for exchange or refund. Thanks to this information, we will be able to get back to you quickly and process your return. You can request the exchange of your items ordered on the website within 30 days from the date of the order.
Returns for orders shipped to mainland France and outside mainland France are at your expense.